Ex-MMA Fighter War Machine On The Run After Attacking Porn Star Girlfriend Christy Mack; She Tweets Graphic Injury Photos

Few things shake up the porn industry enough to make national news, and in those instances they usually involve an actor or actress contracting HIV or other STDs. Late Friday night, however, porn actress Christy Mack was allegedly beaten in her Las Vegas home by her ex-boyfriend formerly known as Jon Koppenhaver, a professional mixed martial arts fighter — and dabbler in the porn industry, too — who now goes by the name War Machine.
In a statement that she posted on Twitter, Mack said that Machine appeared at her home unannounced around 2 a.m. on Friday night, despite having broken up with her in May. Upon discovering that she had a guest, (based on Machine’s tweets, it was a man) who was “full clothed and unarmed,” Machine allegedly proceeded to beat him before letting him out of the house and turning his attention on Mack.
“I have no recollection of how many times I was hit, I just know my injuries that resulted from my beating,” Mack said in the statement. “My injuries include 18 broken bones around my eyes, my nose is broken in two places, I am missing teeth and several more are broken. I’m unable to chew or see out of my left eye. My speech is slurred from my swelling and lack of teeth. I have a fractured rib and severely ruptured liver from a kick to my side. My leg is so badly injured I have not been able to walk on my own.”
Machine supposedly used a “dull” knife to also cut Mack’s hair, and in the process, he made cuts in her ears, head, and hands too. After the beating, Mack says that he forced her to strip naked and take a shower, before threatening her with rape. She managed to escape a bit later, running naked through her neighborhood for someone who could help. She eventually found someone who helped her get to a hospital.
Added below are the graphic photos and story about what happened pic.twitter.com/U1T1X2OP4d
— Christy Mack (@ChristyMack) August 11, 2014
Since the altercation, Machine has been on the run as Las Vegas police search for him. Machine was previously convicted of assault after a 2010 bar fight and was arrested on domestic assault charges in 2009, according to Gawker. Although MMA fighters’ hands and feet aren’t considered lethal weapons legally, they can be considered weapons when used in a non-sanctioned fight or for domestic abuse. In 2012, MMA fighter Fernando Rodrigues was charged with using his hands as a deadly weapon during a road rage brawl.
Domestic violence causes extreme psychological and physical harm, including depression, chronic pain, and a higher risk of STDs and unplanned pregnancies. According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, 24 people per minute are victims of rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner in the U.S. In Mack’s case, it’s safe to say she experienced all three. However, she’s positive about her recovery, saying that she is “healing fast and well,” and that she appreciates “all the prayers and visits I have received over the past few days.”