Family Nagging Keeps You Healthy
It turns out that family nagging is good for you, especially if you are above 30. A new study from University of Lincoln shows that the least active people felt that constant nagging from their family - spouse or children - affected their health in a positive way.
The study was based on a series of interviews from the UK.
“We might be sat comfortable, reading or something, and my wife might say 'Let's go and do something'. And when I'm at the cross-roads, 50:50, I need that,” one of the participants of the interview said.
“My daughter is just full of beans, she's always like 'Come on Dad let's do this' - and then I need to sit down! She tells me to chase her and she actively gets me involved,” another interviewee said.
Nagging by family and friends helps because they act like constant reminders for people to lose weight or just become more active rather than living a sedentary life.
The study also suggested that most researchers look at factors like age or ethnicity that are fixed. The present study differed as it focused on analyzing modifiable social influences on motivation towards physical activity.
“The aim of this study was to help people examine their lifestyles as a whole and establish what key factors are influencing their activity levels. The most common barriers to achieve lifestyles were work, long commute and provision of facilities. However, it became clear that if you know who to ask, it is also possible for your social network to help you be more active, by going for a run with your colleagues straight after work,” said Dr. Keegan, from School of Sport, Coaching and Exercise Science at University of Lincoln.
Research shows that married men live longer because their wives literally nag them in to seeing their doctor more often, eating healthier food and exercising more often.
Married men are 6 percent more likely to go to the doctor than single men who have no one to remind them about a pending visit to the doctor.
The study also found that women were 34 percent more likely to keep fit through exercise when they were in a relationship.
“An individual who is in a relationship usually wants the partner in good health because they care for them,” said Hendrik Schmitz, of Germany’s Ruhr Graduate School in Economics, who conducted the study.