How Dating Six People At Once Affects Your Chances Of Marriage

Dating in 2016 looks nothing like it did in our grandparents' age. In fact, according to a recent study, it’s now normal to date up to six people at once, and “ghosting,” or the practice of breaking up with someone by simply ignoring them forever, is also commonplace. The real question however, is how these new dating trends are affecting young people’s chances of getting married and starting a family of their own.
Results of a new study carried out by eHarmony Australia have found that an increasing number of individuals are “seeing” multiple potential romantic partners, simultaneously, The Independent reported. As a result, it’s become normal to “see” six people at once. The classic Dear John letter or “we have to talk” conversations also seem to be falling out of fashion. According to the research, 64 percent of single people reported to have been “ghosted” by a date, while 51 percent of those involved in the survey admitted to “ghosting” another individual.
The reason for this breakdown of modern love? It’s hard to pinpoint one exact cause, but Nicole McInnes, Director of eHarmony Australia, told Cosmopolitan, “The research here and around the world shows there is a lot of dissatisfaction in the outcomes of many dating apps.”
Read: The Psychological Paradox Of Modern Dating
More importantly, do these new trends in how we date affect our likeliness of eventually settling down and finding love? Data shows that, in general, marriage rates have steadily fallen over the past 50 years. Census data cited in a 2014 study by the Pew Research Center show that the number of married households fell to 50.5 percent in 2012 from a high of about 72 percent in 1960.
In addition, Americans are also having fewer children than their grandparents, with the national average in 2015 being 1.87 compared to 2.12 in 2007. However, it may not be young people’s dating style that is really to blame for these changing demographics. Instead, experts suggest that the economic times are really behind low marriage and birth rates.
For example, according to The Washington Post, fewer jobs and less economic stability, such as that witnessed in the recent Great Recession, may (understandably) discourage couples from forming new families. The same seems to be true with birth rates; couples are just less enthusiastic about having children during unstable economic times, ATTN reported.
So while it’s true that today’s dating scene may seem a bit unorthodox compared to that of the past, research suggests that it’s not to blame for Millennials' failing love lives: Current economic hardships may be more to blame than any apps.
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