How migraine triggers can be avoided
There are numerous day to day events that can trigger or cause migraine headache. The occurrence of migraine headache is dependent to a person’s sensitivity. An overly sensitive person can get migraine due to red wine, emotional stress, caffeine withdrawal or skipped meals.
Taking control of migraine is possible as long as you understand the migraine pattern. First, you have to track the migraine by using a headache diary. You have to make notes of your daily activities before or when a migraine occurred. You have to keep record of the food you eat, as well as what you do every day. In addition, you also must need to record how many yours you sleep at night and the stressful activities (if any) that happened in a day.
Here are some of the most common migraine triggers quite noting:
• Intake of specific foods and beverages
• Tremendous fatigue
• Exercise
• Intense and gleaming lights
• Emotional stress
• Menstrual periods
• Changes in normal sleep pattern
• Odors
• Skipping meals or fasting
• Changing weather conditions
• Smoking
• Excess caffeine intake or withdrawal
Foods Additives and Chemicals That Can Trigger Migraines
There are certain food additives and chemicals that may prompt the occurrence of migraine. These include natural chemicals present in foods and beverages, and food additives. The following is a list of chemicals and food additives that cause migraine:
• Monosodium glutamate (MSG) which is common in Chinese food.
• Alcohol, particularly the contaminations in alcohol or by-products your body produces as it metabolizes alcohol
• Food additives/preservatives which include nitrates and nitrites present in hot dogs, sausages, ham and other processed or cured meats, and certain salads.
• Tyramine, a substance found naturally in aged cheeses, and also found in red wine, alcoholic drinks, and some processed meats.
Food and drinks may trigger migraine some most sensitive people. These include:
• Pizza, peanuts, chicken livers, and other specific foods
• Alcohol: red wine, beer, whiskey, champagne
• Caffeine: coffee, chocolate, tea, colas, sodas
• Pepperoni, hot dogs, luncheon meats
• Dried fruits
• Aged cheeses: blue cheese, mozzarella, feta, cheddar, parmesan
• Bread and other baked goods
• Smoked or dried fish
• Potato chips
People who are most at risk to having migraine should do what is needed to prevent simple headaches leading to migraine. These following steps are useful:
• Learn how to watch what you eat and drink. As soon as you feel like headache is about to come, write down any food or drink that you had before experiencing the attack. If you come up with a pattern over time, you should not eat them in the future.
• You must eat regularly. Do not skip meals as this can trigger migraines in some people.
• Limit the caffeine intake. Too much caffeine both in food and drink can cause migraines. But you should not do this abruptly since cutting back abruptly may also cause migraines.
• Be careful with exercise. Although doctors advise getting regular exercise to stay healthy, exercise can trigger headaches. You may need to take an anti-inflammatory drug to prevent exercise migraines.
• Get regular sleep. Changes in your normal sleep habits can cause migraines. Being overly tired can also trigger migraines.
Further questions regarding migraine should be asked and consulted to a reliable physician.