Mary Tyler Moore's Death Highlights Toll Lifelong Type 1 Diabetes Has On Body

Beloved American sweetheart Mary Tyler Moore passed away January 25 in a Connecticut hospital. She was 80 years old. Although the exact cause of her death has not yet been released, the actress’ lifelong battle with diabetes is well known. An advocate for type 1 diabetes research, her death once again highlights the disease, and the effect it can have on the body over time.
NBC News reported that Moore was diagnosed at age 33 with Type 1 diabetes, also known as juvenile diabetes, a condition that affects only 5 percent of people who have diabetes. According to The American Diabetes Association, in this form of the illness, the body does not produce insulin, a hormone necessary for the conversion of sugar into energy. Although the condition is most common in individuals under the age of 20, it can occur at any time in your life, as in the case of Moore.
Read: Type 1 Diabetes Breakthrough: Scientists Identify Key Molecule Targeted By Immune System
The condition is highly treatable, but it still takes a toll on your overall health. For example, according to WebMD, men with type 1 diabetes typically lose about 11 years of life expectancy compared to men without the disease. For women it's even worse, with the disease cutting their lives short by an average of 13 years. The reason for this is diabetes' impact on the heart, although research suggests that diabetics can reduce their overall risk of premature death by about a third through strict blood glucose testing throughout the day.
In addition to her lifetime battle with type 1 diabetes, Moore also underwent brain surgery in 2011 to remove a benign brain tumor, The Washington Post reported.
Moore was best known for her role on "The Dick Van Dyke Show" in the 1960s and The Mary Tyler Moore Show in the 1980s. She also had a long film career, and was nominated for an Oscar in 1980 for her role in Robert Redford’s “Ordinary People.” She is recognized as helping to pave the road for women’s right with her strong female roles, and is remembered for her resilience and bravery in standing up for her beliefs.
“Take chances, make mistakes. That's how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to practice being brave.”- Mary Tyler Moore
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