Every smoker is aware of the health hazard that the cigarette brings with it. Doctors have waxed eloquent about the negative impact of inhaling nicotine smoke on the lungs and the heart.

But, did you know that smoking also comes with a few other negatives? For e.g. it could change the color of yoru skin, teeth and hair besides adding several years to your appearance. Listed below are nine hazards of smoking that may not have known about:

1. Skin tone: Smoking is known to deprive the skin of oxygen and nutrients. So, there is a chance that smokers appear pale and often develop uneven coloring.

2. Teeth and gums: How many times have we seen smokers grin at you from behind a set of yellow teeth? Well, suffice to say that dental damage is not restricted to just the teeth as smokers tend to develop gum ailments leading to bad breath.

3. Teeth and gums: How many times have we seen smokers grin at you from behind a set of yellow teeth? Well, suffice to say that dental damage is not restricted to just the teeth as smokers tend to develop gum ailments leading to bad breath.

4. Sagging skin: Tobacco smoke is known to contain more than 4,000 chemicals and many among them can destroy collagen and elastin in the human body. These are essential fibers that provide the skin with strength and elasticity.

5. Sagging arms and breasts: Smoking is also known to take a toll of a woman's figure. The skin loses elasticity and causes some parts like the inner arms and breasts that were once firm to sag and droop.

6. Fingers: Stained fingers and discolored nails are usually associated with regular smokers. Tobacco actually stains the skin and nails very fast, though the positive factor is that once you quit smoking the stains go away.

7. Hair loss: Continued smoking for over ten years causes the hair to thin, both among men and women. There are some studies that suggest a direct association between baldness and smoking.

8. Eye trouble: Tobacco is known to cause trouble to the eyes and new research suggests that it could be directly linked to the development of cataract at avery early age.

9. Skin trouble: Research suggests that smoking can cause psoriasis that results in thick, scaly patches on the skin around the knees, elbows and the scalp. The red and white patches need sustained treatment for a long time.