What are the key ingredients to becoming an emerging market leader?

Practically all startup founders ponder this quandary and many pounce on different, often diverging designs.

However, the rules for success always have to do with understanding what the largest issues facing a marketplace are, then reverse engineering your product/service to deliver a better solution, and finally emerging to become the recognized market leader (gold standard) for addressing the biggest problem.

As the age-old aphorism goes, the level of success you have has a direct correlation to the size of the problem you solve.

Such was the thinking of the emerging hot shot player in the men’s health market, Opt Health, which is taking on the perennial problem of the symptoms related to aging.

Many of the unpleasant symptoms of aging could be trigged by a sudden dip of testosterone, which can have a jarring effect physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Many men have never experienced such a lull before and are caught off-guard and without a clear path forward.

The medical term for testosterone deficiency is andropause or hypogonadism, the symptoms of which impact millions of men. In the past, men may have felt confused or helpless about how to fight back against aging, but thanks to the founders of Opt Health, Dr. John Tidwell and Camilo Isaza, the path is now clear.

Opt Health offers a one-stop men’s health optimization telehealth platform that features 24/7 access to elite doctors, blood work & lab tests, nutrition & health coaching, prescription medications (including testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)), nutraceuticals & supplements, and unique health scores, all located in a convenient individualized mobile app dashboard that makes it easy and fun to track your progress along your health optimization journey.

And for those who have been affected, it’s not too late to find relief. Opt Health offers an array of effective treatments such as bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), which can help mitigate some difficult symptoms of aging.

For men on Opt Health, a much brighter outlook appears. Stay apprised of your shifting endocrine levels, adjust to thwart any insidious testosterone dips, and stay on top to look and feel your best.

Best of all, Opt offers all-inclusive memberships that include everything listed above for a fixed monthly fee. Visit Opt Health to learn more about getting started on your health optimization journey and getting your edge back