More Americans are committed to using credit cards compared to last year, according to poll results released Friday by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling.

When Americans were asked to rank their 2012 financial resolutions in an online poll, only six percent of respondents said that decreasing dependence on credit cards was their first priority, compared to seven percent from last year.

“At first glance, that statistic could appear to be a warning sign of future trouble. However, credit is not the problem. Instead, it is the misuse of credit that leads people into financial distress,” said Gail Cunningham, spokesperson for the NFCC in a statement.

The majority of respondents prioritized decreasing debt as their number one priority, but not as much as last year.

Compared to last year’s financial resolution, the percentage of Americans who prioritize decreasing debt as their first priority has dropped seven percent to 62 percent from 69 percent.

The foundation noted that although decreasing debt is always positive, consumers should also pay attention to their savings.

The poll showed that only eight percent of respondents felt that saving was the most important New Year resolution, and NFCC said that although the percentage is up from last year at seven percent it is still a small percentage. The foundation said that consumers should plan for unplanned expenses which usually come unexpectedly and have a well- funded emergency savings account as security.

Although the poll revealed that consumers seem to be more dependent on credit cards, it also revealed that more Americans think of improving their credit score as the most important resolution compared to last year with a six percent increase at 24 percent compared to 18 percent last year.

“The poll suggests that consumers have recognized the importance of achieving financial stability, and intend to take action. Nonetheless, even though paying down debt and improving the credit score are positive steps, the low priority placed on savings is disturbing,” said Cunningham.