Pornhub Introduces Pornography For The Blind By Adding Narration To Your Favorite Sex Videos

For those who believe they’ve seen it all, I give you “Porn for the Visually Impaired.” The new category of adult entertainment videos are porn website Pornhub’s latest attempt to appeal to more diverse audience groups, and include special audio narration to help give users “full enjoyment of the scene” despite not being able to see what’s actually going on. But before you laugh at the move, remember that porn isn’t just entertaining, it can even be healthy at times.
Pornhub’s “Described Videos” are exactly what they sound like: porn scenes with detailed and of course dirty descriptions of what is going on, noting everything from the actor’s appearance to the camera’s point of view. Although the female narration may at times feel forced and awkward, they still manage to get the job done.
“A white woman in a cheap-looking red power suit sits next to a tall, lanky, white, middle-aged man with brown hair, a white shirt, grey suit, and a red-striped tie,” one video begins. Another describes a woman with “black hair, lots of makeup, and squeezing a nice, curvy figure into a tight blue dress.”
So far, there are 50 of these videos available and one doesn’t have to be visually impaired to enjoy them. The original audio still plays in the background and, of course, the visuals are left intact.
According to CNN, Pornhub plans to add more videos in the future and is encouraging the public to make and upload similar videos with the handicapped users in mind, with Pornhub’s vice president Corey Price citing that the videos will help the company "initiate a larger conversation with our user base on how to make Pornhub more accessible to all."
While the issue of pornography may make many uncomfortable, in reality research has shown that, in healthy doses, watching pornography can be healthy for your sex life. For example, one study published earlier this year found that watching at least 40 minutes of porn twice a week can boost your sex drive. In the study, the researchers had 280 male volunteers in their 20s (127 of whom had regular sex partners) record their porn- viewing habits. The men also completed a questionnaire measuring their levels of sexual desire and were asked to describe their overall level of sexual arousal after being shown a porn video.
Results revealed that men who watched more than two hours of porn per week were found to have the highest level of arousal, meaning they had more desire for masturbation and sex with a partner, Medical Daily reported.
Porn even has its benefits for those in a relationship. For example, one study published earlier this year in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy found that couples who were open about their pornography use reported having more relationship satisfaction than those who keep their habits a secret.
However, it seems that one can watch too much porn, and this can have an adverse affect on their love lives. One study suggested that the instant availability of online porn may actually substitute the need for sexual gratification with a woman and decrease some men’s desire to get married.