Powdered Alcohol Has No Fans: 60% Of Americans Favor A Ban On 'Palcohol'

After receiving federal approval back in March, powdered alcohol has already been banned in Louisiana, South Carolina, and Vermont, while similar legislation is also being considered in Michigan and New York. A recent survey conducted by the University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital has revealed that 60 percent of adults in the United States agree that powdered alcohol should be banned.
“The product's makers tout powdered alcohol as improving convenience for people who enjoy the outdoors and others who want to travel light with alcoholic beverages,” Dr. Matthew M. Davis, director of the National Poll on Children's Health and professor of pediatrics and internal medicine in the Child Health Evaluation and Research Unit at the UM Medical School, said in a statement.
When the C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health was conducted in May 2015 around a third of respondents did not know what powdered alcohol was. Davis and his colleagues issued pro and con information concerning “Palcohol” prior to issuing the survey. Adults were generally concerned with the impact powdered alcohol can have on people under the age of 21. Over 80 percent of respondents were worried the product would increase substance abuse among minors due to how easy it will be to obtain.
“Given that several states are considering legislation about powdered alcohol, our poll looked at what the public thinks about this new product,” Davis explained. “The majority of adults agree that powdered alcohol may spell trouble for young people. Concerns of the public are important to understand as lawmakers across the country consider legislation to restrict or ban the use of powdered alcohol in their states.”
Results from the survey also revealed that while 60 percent of adults favor a ban on powdered alcohol, another 84 percent support prohibiting online sales and 85 percent agree that “Palcohol” marketing should be restricted from social media sites where it’s easier to reach young people. Although the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau approved powdered alcohol on a federal level, states had the option to ban its sales within their orders, an option that many states have already decided on.
“In the U.S., parents, communities, and health care providers already face serious challenges with underage alcohol abuse and its harmful effects on children's health,” Davis added. “This poll indicates common concern among our communities over potential abuse and misuse of powdered alcohol as well as the product's potential to exacerbate the problem of underage drinking.”
In spite of the controversy surrounding powdered alcohol, Palcohol’s owner, Lipsmark LLC, is currently getting its production facility functional and expects the product to be available by the end of this summer. This new alcohol-on-the-go product will be packaged in convenient travel-sized packets that create an instant cocktail when combined with 6 ounces of liquid. It will be available in distilled spirit flavors, like vodka and tequila, as well as mixed drink flavors, like Powderita and Cosmopolitan.