President’s Obamacare ‘Get Covered’ Photo Becomes Viral Sensation, Gets Transformed Into Comical Memes [PHOTOS]

The White House probably should’ve known: Place President Barack Obama’s smiling face above an easily-edited sign and people will manipulate that sign to say whatever they want. But, in a photo posted Thursday as part of the Obama administration’s “Get Covered” campaign, the White House twitter account released a photo that did just that. The sign that Obama held up read “Get covered because… nobody should go broke just because they get sick.”
Of course, the photo was in furtherance of the Obama administration’s efforts to get as many people signed up in the Affordable Care Acts health care marketplaces as possible. Prior to this month, the Obamacare website was experiencing some pretty serious problems, which prevented quite a few potential enrollees from signing up for plans under the Act. But now, with the glitches fixed and the enrollment deadline looming, the entire administration is on board to get millions of uninsured Americans covered. At the end of November, the Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius urged state and local officials to spread the word about Obamacare.
“I would urge you and your folks on the ground to not hesitate to recommend that people go to and get signed up,” Sebelius said. “Because that experience is currently working much better and it will continue to work much better.”
For more information on the Affordable Care Act and how you can enroll, take a look at Medical Daily’s Obamacare Survival Guide. View some of the funny takes on Obama’s photo below: