ReThink Is An Anti-Bullying Software That Asks Cyberbullies If They Really Want To Send A Mean Message

In this new digital age, bullying has evolved. Though it can still be found on the playgrounds, offices, and locker rooms of the world, it is found more than ever online, a place where people can anonymously heckle, threaten, and bully with little to no repercussions. But what if there was software that made those bullies think twice before sending out their mean messages? Well, there is, and we have a 15-year-old to thank.
Enter Trisha Prabhu, a high-school student from Naperville, Ill. Two years ago, she read a story about an 11-year-old girl from Florida who committed suicide after being cyberbullied by her classmates. Prabhu was motivated to create ReThink, a software program that recognizes common bullying phrases when they’re typed into a computer. After the cyberbully types in the mean sentence, phrase or word, a popup notification appears and asks the writer, “Are you sure you want to do that?” According to the ReThink website, the bullies end up saying no 93 percent of the time.
ReThink was selected as one of the 15 finalists in last year’s Google Science Fair, and earned Prabhu a trip to the White House for its annual youth science exposition, as well as a spot in Coca-Cola’s “Make It Happy” campaign.
In the digital Wild West, it’s good to have programs out there that can help reel in the outlaws who want to abuse the power of anonymity. Aside from ReThink, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has developed the KnowBullying app, which gives parents and caregivers tips on how to talk to their kids about bullying. A different app called STOPit allows kids to safely and responsibly report instances of bullying to adults and school administrators.
Though much of bullying is still done in person, cyberbullying is slowly making up ground. In a recent study of 791 participants age 10 to 20, 54 percent of reported incidents of bullying were done in person, while 13 percent were done strictly online, and 31 percent were a mix of both. Don’t let that get you down, though. Bullying doesn’t always win. In a collaborative study conducted by researchers from both the University of Saskatchewan and the University of Ottawa, they found that there are many factors that go into how an adult recovers from bullying. There is also the inspiring case of Tiffany Posteraro, who was bullied about her skin condition, and ended up getting tattoos to reduce the stigma of her disease.