A new research by the Center for Autism and Related Disorders, Inc. (CARD) says that children can recover from autism using a mix of structured teaching and play-based behavioral intervention.

Dr. Doreen Granpeesheh, founder of CARD, a provider of early intensive behavioral intervention for autism children, found that 43 percent of the kids taking part in the study did not show any symptoms of autism. Many of them showed signs of improvement. The three –year study by CARD, which used a version of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) that mixes structured teaching and play-based behavioral intervention, was funded by the State of Arizona.

"Years ago, some doctors would tell parents that they should institutionalize their children after an autism diagnosis," said Dr. Granpeesheh.

"Today, we know that autism is treatable and recovery is possible with the right services. Every child deserves a chance to learn and grow, and we hope that these results provide hope to families of newly diagnosed children."

The study mainly found that those who developed language skills early in therapy made greater gains over time. Even the ones who didn’t completely recover did notice sizeable gains. It covered 14 children with autism.

"My daughter is now recovered from autism," said Elizabeth Howell, parent of a study participant. "When people meet her and interact with her, they cannot believe that she ever had an autism diagnosis."

The autistic kids were given one-on-one teaching and therapy for roughly around 25 hours a week. Researchers said that treatment was planned based on the kids’ motivation levels and interests.

"The behavioral intervention was intensive, comprehensive and high-quality," said Dr. Amy Kenzer, CARD research manager. "These factors play a major role in the outcomes observed."