Twitter Employee @Claire Live-Tweets 14-Hour Labor And Birth
Twitter employee Claire Diaz-Ortiz had a lot on her mind when she started labor contractions this past Saturday. Amid preparing herself for the hospital and Googling, “Did my water just break?,” @Claire had time to update her family and friends on the progress of her #labor, as well as the rest of the world. After live-tweeting close to every detail of her 14-hour labor and delivery process, the social media guru and her husband welcomed Lucia Paz Diaz-Ortiz into the world and promptly gave her a Twitter handle.
Using the hashtag #inlabor, @Claire began sending out tweets from the time of her first contraction right up to the birth of baby Lucia. She even took time to mention a couple of literal bumps in the road on the way to the delivery room. While driving to the hospital, the couple’s car began to overheat and eventually broke down on the side of the road. Thankfully a taxi was waved down, and they were back en route to the hospital with the time between contractions shortening.
Questions and concerns started to pour in from @Claire’s 330,000 followers and even from some celebrities. Once at the hospital, she explained her displeasure for questions about the name of her baby, tweeting that they hadn’t settled on one just yet. She also took time to describe her feelings on the labor process: BLERGH!!!!!
Around 1:18 p.m. @Claire expressed ideas about keeping the placenta in order to plant a tree, an idea she abandoned 40 minutes later. Than at 2:33 p.m., it was time to make the big announcement:
Following the birth of @Lucia, congratulations for the couple began pouring in from every corner of the Twitter world. Bethenny Frankel, who @Claire said was a “dead ringer” for her OB/GYN, even tweeted her greetings to young @Lucia: