Video Of Decomposing Pig Corpse Shows How Human Bodies Decay
How long does it take for a human to decompose? In Brit Lab’s video, “Time Lapse Pig Decomposition — Secrets of Everything,” host Greg Foot and forensic anthropologist Anna Williams examine the science behind what happens to our bodies after death.
So, why a pig?
“The size is about the same, their skin is really similar to humans, they’re got the same muscle-to-body fat ratio, and their general physiology is quite similar to humans,” Williams explains.
Almost immediately, a swath of flies is attracted to the body, and, soon after, the corpse becomes bloated with gas. After about a week, it was “riddled” with maggots.
After about three weeks, there wasn’t much left of the body — besides a rancid stink in the air.
This process of breaking down cells by their own enzymes is called autolysis. The body tissues liquify and purge out, before maggots are born from fly eggs laid within the body. These revolting critters eat the rest of the tissue. Yum.
Want to know more about how bodies are broken down after death? Watch the video below.
Read more:
Human Decomposition, Explored: Texas State University's 'Body Farm' Collects Skeletons For Research