Woman Dances Before Surgery: Deborah Cohan’s Pre-Double Mastectomy Flash Mob Inspires [VIDEO]
One courageous woman turned her double mastectomy operating room into a Beyonce-inspired dance party complete with dancing surgeons and nurses… and her video has become a viral sensation. Dr. Deborah Cohen, a San Francisco-area obstetrician and gynecologist, decided to have a six-minute dance party in her hospital gown right before her surgery.
“Dance is my medicine,” she wrote.
In Cohan’s online journal documenting her breast cancer journey, the mother of two described what she hoped to happen on Tuesday, Nov. 5, the morning of the operation. She wanted everyone who read her blog to turn on the song and dance along with her. She wrote:
“I will be dancing in my little hospital gown and bouffant cap in the Mt. Zion operating room with the surgical and anesthesia teams. My fantasy is for you to play the song (found here) and dance wherever you happen to be (in the kitchen, the carwash, subway platform [Dan!], classroom, Labor and Delivery unit, wherever!) — ideally at 7:30am but really anytime Tuesday. It would be extra remarkable if you could send me a photo (or, better yet, a short video segment) of you dancing (via caringbridge.org or deborahcohan1@gmail.com). I have visions of a healing video montage. Nothing brings me greater joy than catalyzing others to dance, move, be in their bodies. Are you with me people?"
And, according to The Inquisitr, several of Cohan’s friends and family did join in.
A mastectomy is a surgery to remove all of the breast tissue from a breast. A double mastectomy is a surgery that removes all the breast tissue from both breasts. The operation is performed to treat or prevent breast cancer.
Cohan is now recovering from her surgery and was reportedly discharged from the hospital on Wednesday.
View her dance party below: