World Red Cross And Red Crescent Day 2017: Blood Donation And 4 Other Health Services They Offer

Every year, May 8 is reserved as World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day, to celebrate the humanitarian work of millions of people around the globe. This year’s theme is “Everywhere for everyone,” which honors a network of about 17 million volunteers and 450,000 staff.
“We recognize the incredible contribution and achievements of the millions of volunteers and staff around the world who keep our commitment to humanity every day,” International Movement presidents Tadateru Konoe and Peter Maurer, said in a joint statement. “We see the incredible impact that Red Cross and Red Crescent workers from around the world are making in communities large and small every day. And we are humbled.”
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While many people are aware of the the Red Cross and Red Crescent’s blood donation efforts, they may not be as familiar with the many other, diverse services the organizations provide.
Red Cross and Red Crescent Contributions
1. Raising Snakes For Vaccine Research
Since 1923, Thai Red Cross Society has raised snakes to produce anti-venoms and conduct vaccine research. They produce about 80,000 doses of anti-venom every year and are responsible for providing serum to all hospitals in Thailand. If there’s enough serum left over, it's sold to nearby countries, which also have a demand for serum due to the frequency of snakebites.
2. First Aid Training In Prisons
In 2009, the Irish Red Cross created, “Community Based Health and First Aid,” which is a unique approach to improve Ireland’s prison community. The program involves peer to peer education, among the inmates, to teach about community health, hygiene awareness, and first aid skills.
3. Improving Living Conditions Using Humor
In a collaborative effort among Red Cross Red Crescent and Red Noses International, families are taught about the importance of good hygiene. An international clown team visits families stranded across Greece to spread joy, educate about cleanliness, and provide psychosocial support to the children.
4. Fighting Ebola Stigma With Music
The Liberia Red Cross National Society created an anti-stigma song, in hopes to reintegrate Ebola survivors and their communities. The song is a part of a larger movement known as “Let Us Live Together Again,” which aims to bring awareness to discrimination against survivors of Ebola.
If you’re curious about what other services Red Cross Red Crescent provides, check out the video above.
The holiday is resvered on May 8 because it marks the anniversary of the birth of Henry Dunant, the founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Dunant founded the organization in February 1863.
“Since the days of our founder Henry Dunant, the history of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement has been one of partnership,” said Konoe and Maurer. “The intractable humanitarian issues our world faces will not be solved only by organizations. They will also be solved by people who come together fueled by a determination and passion to alleviate human suffering. This is the Movement. This is you.”
See also: American Red Cross Issues Blood Donation Call Fearing Looming Shortage: Why Giving Is So Important
World Blood Donor Day 2016: 5 Things You Need To Know Before Donating Blood