‘Biggest Loser’ Tara Costa Faces Lawsuit For Regaining Weight; Recent Photos Indicate No Such Weight Gain [PHOTOS]

FC Online Marketing, Inc. filed suit against former Biggest Loser contestant Tara Costa, alleging that the 23-year-old regained "far too much weight" to make appearances on the company's behalf. But based on recent photos on Costa's social networking accounts, the suit may be full of hot air.
"We hired Tara Costa in 2011 to be a spokesperson," Michael Parrella, chief executive of FC, told Newsday. "She came on at a certain weight. We had a fitness clause. She was in material breach after she gained, in my opinion, about 45 pounds. She was supposed to visit 15 of our franchise locations, but we weren't able to send her anywhere because she gained a lot of weight."
Costa lost 155 lbs. while a contestant on the NBC reality series in 2009, a weight loss that she says she has worked hard to maintain since the show. FC claims that when Costa returned for a guest appearance on the show in 2011, she had gained back a whopping 22 lbs. The company gave Costa $45,000 to use her likeness and image on its fitness websites. Costa's attorney, Darren Heitner, said that the allegations against the former contestant are without merit.
"Ms. Costa hasn't gained weight," he said. "If that were true and if the public realizes this, then why did they continue to use her image? My client was willing, available and actually excited to fulfill the terms of the appearance contract. It was no one's fault but FC Online's that those appearance opportunities were not presented to her."
Recent photos of Costa seem to indicate that she has indeed maintained her weight loss, a development that probably won't bode well for FC and its suit. Take a peek at a few recent photos below.