Fish oil is widely thought to have tons of health benefits and many people seem to reply on omega-3 supplements to be a cure-all. But is fish oil really all it’s cracked up to be? Some studies have found this isn’t the case.

Back in September 2012, a study found that fish oil supplements rich in omega-3 fatty acids do not lower the risk of heart disease, Medical Daily previously reported.

Another study from August 2015 followed 4,000 patients over a five-year period. The study results found that omega-3 supplements did not slow cognitive decline in older adults.

Read: Omega-3 Health Benefit Update: Study Links Fish Oil To 18% Lower Risk Of Heart Problems

A recent study published in JAMA examined the effects of fish oil supplements on the health of people who require additional help for circulatory system issues. It concluded that the fish oil didn't offer any additional benefits, according to Healthcare Triage’s new video called “A Study on Fish Oil Supplements.”

Researchers ran a double blind, randomized study examining 1,415 participants with stage 4 or 5 kidney disease who all received either fish oil, placebo, both, or neither. Additionally, 406 of these participants received aspirin or a placebo, as well.

Want to know more about the JAMA study and what these results about fish oil mean? Watch the video below.

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