Cannabidiol (CBD) is experiencing an explosion in popularity throughout Europe, the US, and beyond. You may be curious as to the reason behind this boom, and want to know if CBD may be beneficial for you.

As the market is still in its infancy, some retailers try to sell CBD without taking the time to source quality products and use proper ingredient ratios for differing health needs. As a consumer, you can ask crucial key questions that ensure you are buying a high-quality product from a reliable and trustworthy supplier.

1. How Can CBD Help Me?

The most obvious question you'll want to ask is how CBD can benefit you?

  • CBD for Physical Health

Inflammation of muscles and joints can be debilitating for people in the short-term, like after exercise, or a chronic long-term issue for those suffering from a variety of health conditions. As cannabidiol has anti-inflammatory properties, it may be possible to reduce the levels of inflammation, and the associated pain that can plague sufferers.

One of the most effective ways to enable CBD to target problem areas is to use a CBD topical cream, which you can rub directly into the skin over the sore muscles or joints. While the skin can absorb CBD very quickly, some CBD brands such as Canzon CBD have added moisturizers to their CBD creams and balms, which can improve the absorption rate even further.

Inflammation can also contribute to several common skin conditions, such as eczema and acne, which may cause you to be self-conscious, as well as being itchy and sore. CBD can help soothe the inflammation in the skin , could help the healing process, improving your self-confidence and relieving discomfort.

While researchers continue to study how these effects may be possible, many people have decided to include CBD into their daily routines, with many claiming it has given them an improved quality of life.

  • CBD for Mental Health

A large number of consumers use CBD to help cope with symptoms of anxiety or excess stress. Although not classified as a medicine, as researchers have not yet located scientific proof, there are many thousands of people who claim they can cope better with stressful situations after using CBD.

Experts have conducted studies into these reported benefits, and have produced encouraging evidence which hints at the elusive link being real. One study found that 79.2% of participants at a psychiatric clinic who also took CBD in addition to their usual treatment regime, reported feeling less anxiety within the first month of the trial.

While the researchers need to provide further supporting results, these are positive signs. This study also found that CBD may have an effect on sleep, and as mental health is linked to sleep patterns, this could be a further boost for those who find they are anxious during waking hours.

Before purchasing any CBD product, ask your supplier how the product may help you, as varying levels of CBD content or the inclusion of other cannabinoids may affect how the cannabidiol interacts with your system.

Canzon CBD
Canzon CBD Canzon CBD

2. How Can I Include CBD in my Lifestyle?

One of the most important aspects to consider is how you can fit CBD into your current lifestyle. New practices meant to help improve health, such as an exercise regimen, often fail because they are challenging to maintain if they require a change to your usual daily routines.

If you plan on getting the full potential benefits of CBD for your health, then it's vital to ensure that adding it into your lifestyle does not disrupt your other day-to-day activities.

Canzon makes CBD products you can integrate into your lifestyle seamlessly. If you would like to use your cannabidiol at only certain times of the day, such as when particularly stressed at work or in social situations, then a CBD oil tincture or CBD capsules are a great choice.

However, vaping is also a popular choice, and you could use an e-liquid and take it before you enter stressful situations, such as an important presentation or before public speaking. While some people take CBD gummies in these situations, it is challenging to know how much cannabidiol each gummy provides. In contrast, a CBD tincture or an e-liquid has a steady level of concentration throughout the product.

You may also find that a CBD cream or balm is the most convenient way to introduce CBD to your daily lifestyle. If you already have a moisturising routine, you can replace your current products with a CBD-infused cream.

By rubbing a CBD-infused moisturizing cream into your skin, you are still receiving the moisturising benefits your skin requires to stay soft and supple while adding CBD to your system. You could find that this routine gives you a profound sense of calm throughout the day.

If you have specific skin treatment requirements such as treating acne or psoriasis, then consider a skin treatment series which could help to reduce the symptoms.

When choosing your CBD product, ask the retailer how it can fit into your current lifestyle.

Canzon CBD
Canzon CBD Canzon CBD

3. What Kind of CBD Am I Buying?

There are several types of CBD, and the kind you choose should be based on the health or cosmetic benefits you are looking to achieve. There are three main categories, and each contains varying levels of key ingredients.

  • Full-Spectrum CBD

CBD derives from the cannabis sativa plant species, which contains a variety of strains. Two of these strains are the cannabis plant and the hemp plant. CBD is sourced from hemp, which is cultivated to contain only trace amounts of the psychoactive cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. There are many chemical entities in these plants, and producers commonly use CO2 extraction or ethanol to extract CBD.

Full-spectrum CBD contains many cannabinoids, flavonoids, terpenes, and a small amount of THC. Researchers believe these individual compounds interact with each other to produce an entourage effect, which delivers the benefits of CBD more effectively and efficiently throughout the body.

If you want to be sure your CBD oil or cream is a quality full-spectrum product that is ethically sourced and cruelty-free, Canzon CBD provides these in their organic CBD that is also gluten-free. Ask to see the lab report for confirmation of their credentials, and always remember that any reputable supplier should be willing to share this information with you.

  • CBD Isolate

You may have concerns that CBD can cause you to experience a psychotropic effect, and indeed sometimes CBD oil is erroneously referred to as cannabis oil. However, the ingredient that causes this effect is THC, and most CBD products contain as little as 0.2% THC, ensuring it is not possible to have a mind-altering experience.

Still, you may prefer not to introduce any THC into your system, and isolates are the purest form of CBD. With a concentration of 99% pure cannabidiol, you are receiving the benefits of the CBD. However, you cannot gain from the entourage effect, as the producers have removed the other compounds such as terpenes and THC.

  • Broad-Spectrum CBD

Somewhere in the middle of full-spectrum and isolates, broad-spectrum CBD contains terpenes and flavonoids, but it completely removes THC. For those who wish to avoid THC but still want to the benefits of the entourage effect, broad-spectrum CBD may be a great compromise.

4. Do You Have Evidence of Your Product's Quality?

As with any new industry, there is an opportunity for unscrupulous retailers to sell products that are of dubious quality. There are even people who may set out to be honest, but due to lack of knowledge, they sell hemp oil instead of CBD oil, which is not the same thing.

To be sure you're getting the best CBD, ask your supplier for results of lab tests. An honest and well-prepared retailer can provide these reports, and should have no reason not to do so if they are confident in what they are selling to you.

Relevant reports can show results relating to the level of heavy metals, pesticides, microbiological findings, and cannabinoids content. Should a supplier not have these reports, or be reluctant to show them to you, then proceed with caution.

Canzon CBD provides the lab reports for all their CBD products so you can check the content of any oil, e-liquid, skin treatment, balm, or lotion you plan to purchase.

Canzon CBD
Canzon CBD Canzon CBD

In Conclusion

Although the number of different CBD products on the market, and the variations in their content, can make it seem overwhelming, buying CBD can be straightforward. It's important to know what benefits you could obtain from the various products, as this can point you toward one product more than another.

After that, think about how you can incorporate it into your daily routine so you can make a long-term commitment and receive the maximum benefits of CBD.

Because CBD is such a new product available for consumer purchase, don’t be afraid to ask questions of any CBD vendor, and of friends and family. The more you know about how CBD may help you in your daily wellness regimen, the more seamlessly it will integrate into your lifestyle.