Nutrition Experts Accuse US Government Of Working With Special Interest Groups On New Dietary Guidelines

On Thursday, the U.S. government revealed its 2015 Dietary Guidelines, which cover everything from public nutrition and school lunches, to health programs and policies. The guidelines are a result of "the most current scientific evidence" and aim to make healthy eating and drinking much easier for Americans. But some are skeptical this was done as honestly as possible, Time reported.
The guidelines as a whole have received mixed reviews, with some experts applauding them (especially the recommendation to eat less sugar) and some questioning them, mainly the parts on red and processed meat. Nutrition experts in particular — including some who have been asked by the government to advise its latest research — are of the opinion the guidelines were heavily influenced by food producers, food manufacturers, and special interest groups. This, they say, has caused the government to consider and push out-of-date research.
"It's upsetting to see cycles of misinformation coming back over and over again," Dr. David Heber, founding director of the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition, told Time. "The public has been confused and will remain confused by these guidelines."
The guidelines are issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and consider, at least in part, takeaways from the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. This committee is appointed to comb the thousands of pages of research and eventually open their takeaways to the public. Though the government is informed by the committee's report, it can deviate from it, with some speculating this increases the chance of industry influence.
"The current system opens guidelines up to lobbying and manipulation of data," said Dr. Walter Willett, chair of the nutrition department at the Harvard School of Public Health. "The USDA's primary stakeholders are major food producers and manufacturers."
Red and processed meat tops the list of criticisms experts have for the government. To them, the guidelines lack a top-line message about limiting consumption of meat despite the the committee's suggestion to "lower" intake of these foods; the final guidelines list red meat right alongside poultry, seafood, and other proteins as part of a healthy diet.
Experts are also concerned with the way the government recommends we treat fat, mainly that the guideline's limit of saturated fat (no more than 10 percent of a person's total caloric intake) is not in line with current science. The guidelines also claim most American's aren't consuming enough dairy, a topic that has been controversial.
"There's just not scientific evidence to support such large amounts of dairy consumption," Willet said, adding industry influence could be a factor here as well.
The removal of all political and industry influence on the guides is likely impossible, so conflicts of interest may persist for future guides. If you want to learn more about what goes into new guidelines, click here.