Sarah Palin On Syria: ‘Let Allah Sort It Out’ … ‘It is Time To Bomb Obamacare’ [VIDEO]

On Monday, former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin told her Facebook fans that she’s tired of hearing about Syria. She’d rather Americans focus on the impending health care reforms under Affordable Care Act.
“Enough of this foreign fiasco distraction,” wrote Palin. “Get back to work. It is time to bomb Obamacare.”
This week, President Obama is making his media rounds in an attempt to keep the American public updated on the status of the U.S. government’s possible use of military force in Syria. The Syrian government admitted that it killed hundreds and injured thousands of its own civilians using the chemical sarin, which is among the chemical weapons that the country has agreed to turn over in an attempt to “derail U.S. aggression.”
The Council on Foreign Relations describes sarin as an extremely toxic substance that disrupts the nervous system and is “one of the world’s most dangerous chemical agents.” In a televised address Tuesday night, Obama maintained that, until Syria verifies that it has placed all of its chemical weapons under international control, the U.S. will remain steadfast in its pursuit to use military force against the country.
“For sometimes,” Obama said, “resolutions and statements of condemnation are not enough.”
But, not surprisingly, Palin disagrees wholeheartedly with the Obama administration’s handling of the crisis in Syria. She has repeatedly taken to her Facebook page to express her disapproval.
“So we’re bombing Syria because Syria is bombing Syria? And I’m the idiot?” Palin wrote in a Facebook post to her followers on Friday. “Let Allah sort it out,” she wrote in all caps.
She also posted a video compilation that shows “the shocking truth behind Obamacare.” The video repeatedly insists that the Affordable Care Act’s reforms will result in the creation of “death panels” that will decide whether patients live or die. You can watch the clip below.
For more information on the Affordable Care Act and how you can enroll in the act’s healthcare exchanges, visit