It’s Thyme for a New Coronavirus Weapon

Since the coronavirus pandemic hit the US last year, cleaning supplies have been a hot commodity. Disinfectant wipes and sprays have been in short supply as people scramble for the old standbys of home disinfecting. But a recent EPA approval now permits a new weapon into the arsenal: a thyme-derived disinfectant spray from Laboratoire M2, Inc.
A plant-based disinfectant
This is the first “first disinfectant with a botanically derived active ingredient” to be approved for killing the virus on hard surfaces, according to the company. It is made from oil of thymol, an extract from the common herb thyme. According to the EPA, thymol products can be used to control fungi, bacteria and viruses. The agency considers it a pesticide.
Serge Auray, president and founder of Laboratoire M2, explained what he feels is the appeal of a botanical cleaner. "We've been working for many years to develop botanically derived products with proven results that can rival those of the leading brands with traditional, synthetic actives. We're very proud to be [doing] our part in the fight against SARS-CoV-2 virus, while helping to protect public health and the environment."
The press release touts the safety of Thymox compared to other options, noting that Thymox spray is noncorrosive and has “the lowest toxicity rating (IV) accorded by the EPA”
Other options
Thymox is one of few products specifically tested and approved by the EPA for use against the coronavirus. The EPA maintains a list, called List N, of all disinfectants believed to be effective against the virus.
List N includes over 500 products and can be viewed with this tool. You can find more information about List N here. The EPA has also approved a number of List N products that have since been proven effective against the virus.