A New York man is now facing criminal charges for having bilked three people out of a combined $39,000. His unwitting accomplices? Cancer, Tinder, and Venmo.

Earlier this past Tuesday, the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office announced the indictment of Brandon Kiehm, 35, for three counts of grand larceny, and one count each of identity theft and scheme to defraud.

According to the DA's office, Kielhm fleeced a women he met through the dating app last July by claiming to desperately need money for his sister's cancer treatments. Over a period of three months, which even included a stolen wallet grift, he absconded with $14,000. Later that October, Kielhm ran the same ploy on another Tinder match, shifting tactics slightly by invoking his cancer-ridden mother instead. That time, he made off with $12,000. In either case, he offered to pay his paramours back with checks, both of which obviously bounced.

As part of a separate scam that also started in July, Kielhm became a dog walker and somehow obtained his employer's debit card information, using it to pay himself $13,000 through Venmo. For the added insult to injury, Kielhm used the employer's last name as a cover identity with the first woman, going by Tristan Acocella and claiming to work in finance.

"The classic dating scams of yesteryear appear to be thriving online,” said Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr. in a statement. “My Office is seeing an increase in the number of scammers targeting singles online."

As reported by The New York Times, Kielhm stood in court Tuesday and plead not guilty to all the charges. Despite the prosecutors' request that bail be set at $10,000, State Supreme Court Justice Michael R. Sonberg released Kielhm without bail, pending a trial.

Meanwhile, for those lovelorn folk leery of falling for a fraudulent casanova, Vance does offer some advice. "I urge New Yorkers to be on alert when using these applications, and to be wary of those who would take advantage of personal relationships for financial gain," he said. "Most importantly, trust your instincts: if something feels wrong or suspicious about a request from an online acquaintance – male or female – don’t be afraid to ask questions and demand details."

On the bright side, at least no one can really shove the blame onto Tinder this go-around.