Bariatric Surgery For Weight Loss: Success Could Be Determined By Attitude, Behavior, Study Finds

An estimated 80 percent or more of bariatric surgery patients lose weight after the procedure, Doctor Atul Madan, told WebMD. But what about those who still aren't able to drop pounds?
A new study from the Cornell Food and Brand Lab has found that healthy attitudes and behaviors play key roles in long-term weight loss for those who have undergone bariatric procedures. Results showed that two years after surgery, those who reported increased enjoyment of exercise and eating healthy foods also were more likely to meet weight-loss goals, Medical XPress reported.
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The research team surveyed 475 participants who were mostly women. They were surveyed at least one year after bariatric surgery to understand their feelings about health-related behaviors both before and after the procedure.
Most bariatric surgery patients lose significant weight during the first two years, but it can be challenging to keep the weight off.
The operations include Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and the gastric sleeve — which both make the stomach smaller — as well as the less-popular gastric band and the biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch.
"If you don't enjoy healthy eating or exercising, seeking the support of a health professional might change your mind and keep you on track with your weight loss goals years down the road," said researcher Brian Wansink.
Source: Vuorinen AL, Strahilevitz MA, Wansink B, Safer DL. Shifts in the Enjoyment of Healthy and Unhealthy Behaviors Affect Short- and Long-Term Postbariatric Weight Loss. Bariatric Surgical Practice and Patient Care. 2016.
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