Ten Million New STDs Diagnosed Every Year in Young Americans, Says CDC

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released an infographic evaluating sexually transmitted infections (STIs, sometimes called STDs) among young Americans. The results featured in the analysis might urge parents to have "The Talk" with their children a little sooner than expected.
A range of factors leave America's youth at risk to STIs, and may cause them to avoid treatment. Most young people are apprehensive about sharing information that they perceive as embarrassing with doctors. And in some cases they are simply unable to acquire the necessary steps toward prevention whether it is for financial reasons or social factors.
Since young men and women are more likely than their older counterparts to engage in sexual activities with more than one partner, they are at a higher STI risk. Unfortunately for young women their bodies are more biologically prone to developing an STI compared to men. According the CDC's data, 24,000 young women are affected by infertility each year due to undiagnosed STIs. More statistics can be seen in the CDC's infographic below:
One of the most shocking statistics from the analysis claims that although young Americans age 15 to 24 make up only 27 percent of the sexually active population they also account for 50 percent of the 20 million new STI cases each year.
Reports for specific STI's focused on the six major infections among all ages:
1. 820,000 Gonorrhea cases — 70 percent were Americans age 15 to 24
2. 2.9 million Chlamydia cases — 63 percent were Americans age 15 to 24
3. 14.1 million HPV cases — 49 percent were Americans age 15 to 24
4. 776,000 Genital Herpes cases — 45 percent were Americans age 15 to 24
5. 55,400 Syphilis cases — 20 percent were Americans age 15 to 24
6. 47,500 HIV cases — 26 percent were Americans age 13 to 24
The CDC urges young people to protect themselves from STIs by getting the HPV vaccine, getting tested for all STIs frequently and to avoid hazardous behavior.